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Westlake Dress Standard

Westlake students, faculty, staff, and parents are expected to follow a dress standard while on campus for school and school-related activities.


One inch or three fingers above waistline--so some bare midriff is acceptable
Tank tops are allowed
No spaghetti straps
No strapless
No cleavage
No visible undergarments
No bare backs
No low cut or deep cut shirts or tank tops/muscle shirts
No shear clothing


No visible undergarments
Shorts and skirts need to be mid-thigh
Holes in jeans need to be mid-thigh or below


No clothing or accessories with the following: Drug references, alcohol, tobacco, sexually inappropriate or explicit images, weapons, vulgar language, graphic material , gang affiliation.
No bandanas

Students dressed in athletic uniforms or workout attire that does not meet the Westlake Dress Standard, must remain in the E hallway during practice/workouts.

The Westlake Dress Standard extends to all school related activities.

Students in violation of the Westlake Dress Standard will be loaned a t-shirt and shorts to change into for the remainder of the day OR they may choose to go home and change.