Student parking passes for the 2024-25 school year go on sale in person on August 5th and 6th from 8am-3pm in the commons, or online on August 1st. Before a pass may be purchased, the online Westlake parking agreement MUST BE completed and electronically signed by student AND parent/guardian. The form is available HERE.
Parking Information

Parking Pass Information
All student parking lots, including the range, are on a first come, first serve basis for all grades (with a parking pass). The student spots are striped yellow, the faculty spots are striped white.
Students will not be able to purchase a pass if the form is not completed online and submitted. The fee for a Parking Pass is $20.00. Credit/debit cards accepted. ALL FEES FOR THE 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR MUST BE PAID BEFORE PURCHASING A PARKING PASS. If you are on a fee waiver, you must have your paperwork submitted for the fee waiver before purchasing a parking pass.