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School Community Council

Council members are often willing volunteers who care about the success of students. School improvement is the responsibility of everyone, from students and parents to professionals and public officials. Get involved today!

2023-24 Meeting Schedule

  • August 3, 2023–Agenda
  • September 7, 2023–Agenda
  • October 5, 2023–Agenda
  • November 2, 2023–Agenda
  • December 7, 2023–Cancelled

Westlake’s School/Community Council meetings are held at 5pm in the front office conference room and are open to the public.

What is a School/Community Council?

The School LAND Trust program brings tens of millions of dollars annually to academic programs in public schools across Utah. These funds are the only discretionary funds many schools receive. Each school elects a school community council consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. Councils carefully study their school test scores, decide which areas they want to improve, and develop a School Improvement Plan. From that plan, a council chooses one or more academic areas on which to focus its annual trust dividend from the School LAND Trust program to improve student performance.

School improvement is the responsibility of everyone, from students and parents to professionals and public officials. As we clarify roles, expectations, and responsibilities, we increase the likelihood of each contributing significantly to this most important enterprise. School community councils are one way we can work together to make schools more successful. All of the actions and plans are overseen by the local school board.

Teacher & Student Success Plan (TSSA)

The Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) is to help improve school performance or student academic achievement. Westlake High School has directly used some of these funds to purchase technology, software, in-service trainings, teacher wages, etc.

TSSA Funding Plan
Training Films and Resources

Proper yearly training is key for School/Community Councils to run efficiently.   It is intended to encourage parent involvement and to help councils understand the importance of their roles.

Complete Funding Report History

The School Community Council assists in developing the yearly school improvement plan by working to identify the school’s most critical needs and recommending a course of action to meet those needs.

Meeting Minutes
School Improvement Plan &
Funding Reports
Rules of Procedure