Welcome back to another exciting year at Westlake High School. Although the break has been nice, we are getting excited to have the hallways filled with students again. Please let us know if we can help you with any questions or concerns. See you soon!
- Welcome Home
- Administration
- Fee Payment Information
- Parking
- Back to School Night
- Chromebook Distribution
- School Pictures
- Counseling
- Skyward Updates & Helps
- Medical
- Lunch
- Lockers
- Bus Routes
Welcome Home!
The first day of school for all students is on Thursday, August 15th. It will be an “A” day. Tardy bell will ring at 7:45am.
The administration team is committed to student success on every level. Based on the last name of the student, the following is a guideline for knowing your administrator:
Mr. Huff A-Cho
Ms. Wilkins Chr-Gr
Ms. Nye Gu-La
Mr. Wilkes Le-Ped
Mr. Jessup Pe-Sos
Ms. Leavy Sot-Z
Please adhere to this guide if applying for a fee waiver; or if you feel there is a need to speak to an administrator at any time throughout the year. We are happy to help in any way we can.
Fee Payment Information
- Online! All fees can be paid HERE. This is the easy and preferred method.
- Walk-in! You may walk-in with the payment any time between 7:15am and 3:00pm. You can also apply for a fee waiver or set up a monthly payment plan at this time.
For the Fee Waiver Form and other financial information, CLICK HERE.
Please Note: Students with an approved fee waiver are not required to pay waivable fees. If a student with an approved fee waiver voluntarily chooses to pay a waivable fee, the payment will be treated as a donation to the applicable program or activity unless a refund is requested. Those with an approved or pending fee waiver are asked to contact the school finance office rather than paying fees online. Please contact the finance office at 801-610-8818 with any questions.
Parking Information
Parking passes will be sold in person August 5th & 6th, from 8am-12pm in the commons area. They will also be available on myschoolfees beginning August 1st. All student parking lots, including the range, are on a first come-first serve basis for ALL grades (with a parking pass). Student spaces are striped yellow, faculty are striped white. Before a pass can be purchased, the online Parking Agreement MUST be completed and electronically signed by student and parent. The fee for a parking pass is $20. We ONLY accept credit/debit card—no cash. REQUIRED STUDENT FEES MUST BE PAID BEFORE PURCHASING A PARKING PASS. Click on the image for more information.
Back to School Night
Mark your calendars for our Back to School Night/ Open House on Monday, August 12th from 3-8pm. Students can receive tours, club information, find lockers, discover busing schedules, and learn general information on this evening. Teachers will be available in their classrooms, so parents and students can discuss classroom expectations. If you still need to pay for student fees, the finance office will also be open. Please note: We will not be holding Parent/Teacher Conference in September, so you will not want to miss this opportunity to attend Back to School Night.
Chromebook Distribution
Chromebook distribution is on August 5th & 6th from 8am-12pm—in the lower D Hall.
ALL students will have a Chromebook issued to them to use during their high school career. If your student does not have a Chromebook, come on one of these days and we will be happy to help.
Make sure to go into Skyward and update your information so students can use their Chromebook while at school. CLICK HERE for details.
School Pictures
We are excited to announce this year, Westlake will be doing school pictures BEFORE school begins.
School/yearbook picture days are on August 5th and 6th from 8am-3pm in the auditorium. All students must have a Lifetouch picture taken for the yearbook and ID card. Appropriate school dress is required. No appointment necessary.
CLICK HERE for the complete flyer full of information.
The Counseling Office will be open during lunches and before/after school. Students are instructed to stay in class and meet with counselors during the aforementioned times. Counselors are assigned to students based on the last name of the student.
- Suzy Taylor A-Br
- Kris Thorson Bu-De
- Jared Landvatter Dj-Gr
- Nikki Fitting Gu-John
- Sue Barney Jol-Mas
- Ryan Warner Mat-Ped
- Erin Nelson Pei-Roy
- Erin Davis Rp-Tar
- Heather Austin Tas-Z
There will only be teacher recommended class changes when school starts.
Our office will print and/or send transcripts for you. Click below for more information and the Transcript Request Form.
Skyward Updates & Information
It is required that parents go into Skyward and update all information for every student with whom they have guardianship each year. Click below for all the tips and tutorials on how to do this!
Medical Information
School Nurse – Natalie Anderson [email protected]
- Immunizations – All students must have their immunizations cleared before the first day of school. Please bring a copy of the record to the school or email our School Nurse if you have any questions.
- Medical Needs – If your student requires medication &/or any medical needs while at school, this requires an Individualized Health Plan signed by parents and doctors. Please contact our School Nurse with any questions.
- Sick Day Policy – If your student has any symptoms, KEEP THEM HOME. If you are called to pick them up, do this as quickly as possible to avoid exposure to other students/staff in the area.
- PLEASE update your contact information and add emergency contacts to your students record so they can be picked up as soon as possible.
Lunch Information
Westlake will have one lunch each day. For specific times, see the BELL SCHEDULE. The cost for lunch is $2.25, breakfast is $1.25. Payments for lunches can be made on LINQ Connect. Payments cannot be taken during lunchtime but can be taken before school. Students must have their School ID Card w/bar code to receive lunch (they will get this when they get their picture taken). Applications for Free and Reduced lunch, along with all pertinent information can be found HERE.
Lockers will not automatically be assigned. If your student would like to rent a locker, they will need to pay the locker rental fee of $2 and fill out the Google locker request form. Although students have the ability to choose the hallway they prefer, lockers will only be given upon availability. Lockers should only be used to store items for the day. All personal items should be taken home nightly. Locker assignments (number and combination) can be found under Student Info, in Skyward by 3pm on August 12th. Each locker will only have one student—it will not be shared. For questions regarding lockers, please contact the main office.